SKU: 0A-1100-030This assembly contains the magnetic platform, which is used to rotate or rock samples when used with the appropriate magnetic accessories. The magnetic platform measures 200 x 340mm (8 x 14in) and is included with the Roto-Shake Genie, Enviro-Genie and Incubator-Genie.Print this Page
$227.02RS232 CABLE KIT
SKU: 0K-1200-916This is the socket on the side of the Enviro-Genie and cable that connects to the LCD Display Board.
$9.95FEET KIT (5)
$15.12DOOR KIT
SKU: 0K-1200-915Complete Door Assembly inludes window, insulation and hinge for Enviro-Genie and Incubator-Genie.
$357.87SMALL GEAR, 30T